“Winter has come, the wall has fallen and the army of the dead are destroying everything in their path, they are already approaching the first kingdom o...
“The most prestigious contest of wizards is one of the most exciting moments in life of every magician. This year your team has a honour to represent yo...
Do you have what it takes to meet the mysterious lover? Every year Miss Red invites random people to a secret party. But before you can go to the party,...
“The Gift Of Immortality For Many Centuries Has Been The Subject Of Research And Aspirations Of Gifted Wizards. But This Gift Can Turn Into A Curse If I...
“You live in Milan Italy, in the year 1495. The name of the Master Leonardo Da Vinci is recognised all around the world. Hundreds of students follow him...
“Seven centuries ago the members of the “White Rose”, the secret order established to protect the mankind, gave their lives in the effort to slay Dracul...
“It is the time of the Holy Medieval Inquisition around the 14th century. You have all been accused of witchcraft and imprisoned awaiting your death by ...